Blog: Mental Conditioning

95% of people who begin a fitness or diet program will fail within the first 30 days.

To prevent falling victim to the usual fate, let me explain why failure has become the “norm”.

The Top 3 Reasons Why Even Amazing People Fail to Achieve Lasting Results

Reason 1: Lack of Vision & Goals

Without a doubt the number one reason people fail to get results is that they lack clarity of what they really want. The road to physical success is not a straight line. No. It’s more like a winding mountain road with many challenges along the way. If you expect it to be quick and easy and the fat to magically fall off then you are sadly mistaken. You’re better off setting this book down and taking up badminton (not that there’s anything wrong with smacking around the shuttlecock).

Anything worth having is going to be challenging. There might be roadblocks and obstacles but you must face and embrace them. As you conquer each hurdle you strengthen your fortitude and build momentum!

Your vision and goals become your engine to drive you forward even on the days you feel like staying home and eating cookies.

To demonstrate the power of having a compelling vision and clear goals try this:

Stand up!

If you are not standing up I am going to assume both of your legs are broken. Because I know that anyone reading this book is committed to achievement and are not one of those people who just talk. No, you are obviously one of the rare souls who take bold action.

Now that you are standing up…

Action Step

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width and your toes pointing straight forward.
  2. Next, raise your right hand and point straightforward.
  3. Now you are going to turn to the right until you come to a stop.
  4. Take note of where you ended up.

Congratulations that’s the first part.

  1. Next, still standing close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths and feel your body and your muscles completely relax.
  2. Now still completely relaxed, I want you to visualize yourself raising your hand (don’t actually do it you are only going to play the movie in your mind). Envision yourself effortlessly turning two, three or ten times as far as you did the first time.
  3. Take a deep breath and now with your muscles completely relaxed raise your right hand and point forward. This time you are going to really do it.
  4. Now in an easy and relaxed manner you will turn to the right as far as you can possibly go.

How did you do?

If you are like most people, you exceeded your first mark by far.

What was different from the first and the second attempt?

Did you perform a “secret exercise”?

Did you pop a magic pill?

The only thing different was that you created a vision of what you wanted. You set a clear goal. All of this was done in your mind.

The first time I learned this I was blown away, but probably like you I was skeptical. I needed to back it up with science. Interestingly enough there were numerous studies confirming the power of having a clear vision and goals.

Yale University Research

One of the most fascinating research studies began in 1953 at Yale University, one of the premiere learning institutions in the world. They conducted an intensive study that lasted two decades.

The graduating class was interviewed to see what percentage of students had a clear set of goals and a written plan for their attainment.

The result: less than 3% of the graduating class had written goals and a plan.

20 years later, the surviving members of the class of 1953 were re-interviewed. The researchers concluded that the 3% of the class that had a written set of goals and a plan were more “excited about life, optimistic and happier” than the non-goal setters.

Aside from the emotional aspects, the 3% of goal-setters were worth more in financial terms than the other 97% combined.

Read that again…


Clearly defining what you really want will determine your level of success.

In Chapter 6, we will march through this process together so you will not fall victim to this common saboteur.

Reason 2: Ineffective Plan of Attack

Even if you possess a crystal clear vision and goals, there is one thing that will stop you dead in your tracks – an ineffective plan.

With Americans growing fatter and fatter, now more than ever people are looking for solutions. Entrepreneurs and massive companies are coming to the rescue and offering exactly what everyone wants – a quick, fast and easy way to lose fat, stay young and be better looking. If only the magic pill existed. Many of these programs are designed so that you lose weight quickly, but in a way that is unhealthy and nearly impossible to maintain.

I could put together several volumes of products and programs that absolutely do not work; however, rather than dwell on the problems let’s place our focus on identifying the culprits so that we can then focus on the solution. A simple technique to assess the effectiveness of any option is the 3 Power Question Assessment.

The 3 Power Question Assessment

Answer these 3 Power Questions to determine if a particular program is an effective option or a waste of time, money and health.

  1. Is it sustainable? “Is it starving you or energizing you?” If you can’t sustain the plan over the long run and make it part of your life, then any results will be temporary and mentally destructive.
  2. Does it include all 3 Pillars of Power? Mental Conditioning, Physical Training & Effective Eating – all of which you will learn about these in the next chapter. If any one of the three is missing then results will stall after 14-21 days. Then as physical changes diminish your motivation will go with it.
  3. Is this FORCING the body to change or ALLOWING it to change by making it more healthy? Or stated in a simpler way “Does it work against Mother Nature or with it?” Anything that is unhealthy will result in your body’s rebellion. The brain will trigger its survival response and next thing you know you will be knee deep in donuts and pizza crusts.

REASON 3: Lack of Consistent Follow through

Why do so many people quit working out and ditch their diet?

Here’s the process.

  1. Something triggers you! (Pants don’t fit, your kid tells you “you’re fat”, etc.)
  2. You get motivated!!! Yes!!! “I’m going to kick some ass!”
  3. You get a plan
  4. You work your plan
  5. You see some results but not what you were hoping for.
  6. About 3 or 4 weeks go by and results STOP!
  7. FRUSTRATION sets in and you quit! “It’s not worth the time and effort.”

That’s it. The deadly combination…Results STOP, Frustration sets in and you quit.

There you have it. The top 3 reasons why even amazing people fail to achieve physical change.

Now onto the solution…The 3 Pillars of Power
