Blog: Physical Training

Are you Adding Muscle or Wasting It?

Take this Self-Test and find out now.

  1. Do you have clearly defined and written goals for what you want to look like and feel like?
    1. No
    2. Yes, somewhat
    3. YES! I have written physical goals that I continually think about.
  2. How often do you exercise?
    1. I don’t
    2. 1-2 times per week
    3. 3-4 times per week
    4. 5-6 times per week
    5. Every day
  3. Which of the following choices best describes your current exercise regimen?
    1. I run or do cardio a few times per week.
    2. I workout but not consistently
    3. I lift weights and do cardio a 3-5 times per week consistently.
    4. Exercise? What is that?
  4. How often do you change your current exercise regimen?
    1. I have a good routine that I follow so I don’t need to change it.
    2. I change it every few months
    3. I determine if my body composition has changed then I make adjustments based off of my goals and the results of the body composition testing.
    4. I already said I do not exercise.
  5. How long is a typical workout for you?
    1. 30 minutes or less
    2. No more than an hour
    3. 60-90 minutes
    4. More than 90 minutes
  6. Do you sweat when you exercise?
    1. Rarely
    2. A little bit
    3. Yes
  7. If you were to rate your level of exertion during your workouts on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself?
    1. 0-3
    2. 4-6
    3. 7-10
  8. How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
    1. 5 hours or less
    2. 6-8 hours
    3. 9 or more
  9. How many meals do you eat per day?
    1. 1-2 meals per day
    2. 3-4 meals per day
    3. 5-6 meals per day
  10. Do you consistently eat breakfast? (Coffee does not count.)
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Sometimes
  11. Which of the following choices best describes your daily eating pattern?
    1. I skip breakfast, usually have a sandwich or salad for lunch and eat a large dinner….then I snack on not so healthy food later at night.
    2. I skip breakfast; have a “Healthy” lunch like a chicken salad, then have a larger sized dinner.
    3. I eat a “Healthy” breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
    4. I eat Protein and Carbs every 3 hours.
    5. I don’t eat any carbs.
    6. With my hectic schedule there is no method to my madness.
  12. How much water do you drink each day?
    1. 2-4 cups (1 liter or less)
    2. 5-8 cups (1.5 – 2 liters)
    3. 9-12 cups (2.5 – 3 liters)
    4. More than 12 cups or 3 liters per day
  13. How do you cope with stress and crisis?
    1. I freak out and eat.
    2. I get upset at first but cool down after a good nights sleep.
    3. I am calm and decisive. I don’t let it control me.
  14. When attempting to achieve physical change how do you determine whether it is working or not?
    1. I go by the number on the scale.
    2. I take measurements around my body with a tape measure.
    3. I test my body composition with one of those body fat scales.
    4. I test my body composition using calipers.
    5. I go by how my clothes fit.
    6. I take measurements, test body composition and take photos every four weeks. I also pay attention to how I look and feel daily.
  15. Looking back at your life which statement best describes your attitude?
    1. I am a loser. I can’t do anything right.
    2. I need someone to motivate me. I find it difficult to stick to a plan.
    3. I am so busy. I have the tendency to start strong and then lose focus.
    4. I am an achiever. Once I set my mind to something I will not stop until I get what I want.

Score Card:

Question a b c d e f Your Score
1 0 1 3
2 0 1 2 3 3
3 1 0 3 0
4 1 2 3 0
5 2 3 1 0
6 1 2 3
7 0 2 3
8 0 3 2
9 1 2 3
10 3 1 2
11 1 1 2 3 0 0
12 0 2 3 3 3 3
13 0 1 2
14 1 1 1 2 1 3
15 -1,000,000 1 1 3


If your score was:

40 – 45: You are a physical goal achieving machine. If you are not currently where you want to be then it is only a matter of time and possibly a few minor adjustments. Keep at it. You are one of the Elite.
35-39: You are on the right track. Results will come but be patient. A few changes in your eating and training will rev up your results and allow you to attain your physical objective in less time.
32-34: You may get to where you want to be but you are moving at a snail’s pace. If you want to speed the process then you need to overhaul your fat-burning and muscle building engine.
27-31: You are at a standstill or maybe even going in the wrong direction. You are barely hanging in there. It’s time to take immediate and aggressive action towards your physical goals. You can do it but don’t wait. Act now in the direction of your goals.
26 or less: You are on a deserted island and not one of those beautiful islands in the Caribbean…oh no, this is one of those depressing desolate, barren islands with no vegetation only sharp rocky cliffs and you have no shoes. The good news is that you still have the opportunity to get to where you want to be. It’s a blessing in disguise. All you need to do is change one thing and you will see improvement. Decide where you want to be and get to it. Do not wait another day. The world yields to those bold and courageous individuals who relentlessly go after their dreams and desires. You will rein victorious. The power is within you.